Friday, February 26, 2016

Cabinet Materials Perfect for Outdoor Kitchens

You finally decided that this is the summer you will entertain in your brand new, custom built, backyard kitchen. This will make for an incredible way to entertain and enjoy your backyard with family and friends. Planning for this perfect kitchen will take careful consideration especially given the extreme variations of Long Island weather. Knowing that there are options to consider will help to create the idea outdoor kitchen of your dreams that will last from season to season.

Think about the style of cabinet that you’d like and see if you can achieve that look with pre-made cabinets or if custom cabinetry is the answer. Your design must include consideration for the outdoor elements. Be sure to have cabinets that are “weather tight” so that cooking utensils stored inside won’t be damaged by rain, wind, or snow. Consider your storage options and decide if having a large corner cabinet makes sense for your design. In addition to providing storage, this larger cabinet can also serve as an anchor to additional cabinetry. Selecting the right countertop will help to ensure that the materials underneath stay dry and protected from the elements.

Selecting the right material for your cabinets is a major consideration. The most common types of material for outdoor kitchen cabinets include:

Stainless Steel
The most common material used for outdoor kitchen cabinets is stainless steel. This can withstand sun, rain, and snow as well as achieve a sleek look when paired with a matching refrigerator and stove.


This is one the most attractive materials for cabinets inside and out. If using teak, a protective sealant coating must be applied when built and must be reapplied regularly throughout the life of the cabinet. This will protect the wood from becoming warped or damaged by any extreme weather elements.

Reclaimed Lumber

Using reclaimed lumber is a very popular organic look. Customers can utilize salvaged shiplap boards or other reclaimed wood. As with the teak, salvaged woods will need to be sealed to protect the wood.

Marine Grade Polymer

There are a variety of polymer coated cabinets that can be finished with other materials such as wood. These cabinets can withstand extreme temperatures and can easily be cleaned.

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